Luxury boudoir portraits in Marietta, OH
On April 26, 2022 by pinkcrush1112Ms. N’s shoot was on a typical chilly Mid-Ohio Valley March morning. But things got pretty hot in the studio very quickly because Ms. N knows how to rock a body suit. And she has hair for days. She settled quickly into the hair make-up chair because at home, she doesn’t get a ton of Read More

Bookish boudoir portraits in Marietta, OH
On April 26, 2022 by pinkcrush1112We introduced you to Ms. T already, now meet Ms. K. We also met Ms. K at a bridal show that she was attending with her bestie Ms. T. They are book lovers and often share book series and gift each other books. They had an absolute blast at their session supporting each other through Read More

Book lovers boudoir in Marietta, Ohio
On April 26, 2022 by pinkcrush1112Ms. T came into the Hot Tomato realm when we met her at a local bridal show. She loved our display and decided to book with us to give her sweetie a wedding gift he would never forget! Ms. T booked with a friend and they shot on the day which meant our studio was Read More

Dark and Moody In the Sheets
On August 5, 2019 by pinkcrush1112Today is another lesson on what to wear for your Hot Tomato Portraits Session. We get so many questions about clothing from our clients and rightly so – it can so confusing and overwhelming to choose just the right outfit! This is a case of “Less is More”. Ms. M had the most gorgeous, auburn curls Read More
But I’m Not A Lingerie Girl
On July 29, 2019 by pinkcrush1112“But I am not a lingerie kind girl. What do I wear?” At Hot Tomato we hear some variation of that statement pretty regularly. Turns out, tons of women are not “lingerie kinda gals”, me included. Here’s the thing, that is totally ok. We don’t want you to be someone you aren’t for your session Read More

Smart Budgeting for a Hot Tomato Portraits Session
On July 22, 2019 by pinkcrush1112A portrait session with Hot Tomato is an investment in you and we want you to make the most of the time you spend with us. You invest your time finding just the right outfits for your session, AND you invest your time in talking to us and meeting with us to plan your session Read More
Bucket List Outdoor Boudoir Session!
On June 13, 2017 by hottomatopinupacademy8There’s no better backdrop than swaying trees and wild flowers and no better lighting than the setting sunshine. Hot Tomato is offering another small handful of these private, woodland boudoir sessions. This private property offers scenery such as deep forest, pond, open field, cast iron tub and cabin front. We will have a full team on Read More
Dirty Thirties HANDLED
On March 9, 2017 by hottomatopinupacademy8“Stella, I’m 37. What a completely lame age to be.” I said out loud to my golden retriever this morning as I slurped shrimp-flavored ramen for breakfast at 11:15am.
I stayed up really late last night migrating images from my personal Instagram with the business name to a business Instagram with the business name per the instruction of my cousin slash best friend slash marketing consultant, Rachel Hyde. She thinks my personal life is too tied up in the business and it’s difficult for first-time clients to navigate the social media platforms. She’s right.
So, to completely defy all reason, I have decided to use this particular platform to … tell a completely hypothetical story about something that could happen to anyone (it’s totally about me.)
A stand-out, sure fire way to tell that you’re plummeting into the depths of mid-life crisis is looking in the mirror to find that the head of hair that frames your face is grey. NOT the natural kind that you get from living a pure and decent life but a grey that started out grey but was covered up with brown followed by a more striking black, stripped down to a ginger color, tortured into an ashish blond, covered in royal purple, faded to a yellowish lavender, bleached of all remaining dignity and strength, tapped, foiled and woven into a frenzy, coaxed back into a periwinkle color and finally DYED grey for the low, low price of roughly $1,300. THAT is when you re-evaluate your beauty standards. And your life. Read More
The BIKINI Project
On June 11, 2016 by hottomatopinupacademy8The Hot Tomato crew has been in a full tilt bikini discussion all Spring! We send selfies of our current stock and share links to cute ones on sale. It’s become a little bit of a habit with some…(Jocelyn, I’m looking at you!) You see, once you have been running with this saucy crop of Read More
Card-Carrying GDHT’s
On May 2, 2016 by hottomatopinupacademy8Chances are pretty good that you first heard about Hot Tomato from a friend… ya know, that cute, sassy, rebel type. See, it’s this great part of the human experience to immediately feel compelled to tell your besties that they simply MUST do the awesome thing you just did! Get a fabulous massage? Have Read More
Andi is professional and easy to work with, she brings out the best in everyone and makes absolute magic happen 😊