A Different View
On April 22, 2016 by hottomatopinupacademy8“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Wayne Dyer Some women hate their bodies. I dearly hope you are not one of these gals, but if you are, or if you know someone struggling with body image, please read this short post. Do you know that when Read More
Dirty Thirties HANDLED
On March 7, 2016 by hottomatopinupacademy8HANDLE those dirty thirties with a sassy group of bomb diggity Hot Tomato ladies that have already subscribed to this life policy! Get a prescription for shopping trips, some Parlor rehabilitation and vodka shots as needed! Get ready for a little “Woooo giiiirl” and a MOJO injection! Top it all off with one big dose of you can’t HANDLE this HOTNESS and Blamo! You are a card-carrying GDHT!!!! Read More
CAN it, Sister!
On March 6, 2016 by hottomatopinupacademy8No clothes? We have plenty. Too scared? We’ll talk through it. (see also: Liquor) Too expensive? We offer payment plans. Feeling bad about your shape? We will show you how to rock it! Read More
The Pattern of You
On March 6, 2016 by hottomatopinupacademy8Telling the body’s story with images almost always evokes powerful emotion. It connects, it guides and it always belongs. It’s the pattern of you.
Let’s Get Real, a Valentine
On February 12, 2016 by hottomatopinupacademy8Let’s get real for a moment, shall we? A real effing Valentine moment. A moment that will likely be interrupted by a small, slimy child, a text from your boss outlining a {mandatory} opportunity for you to get some extra hours on your only scheduled day off or the unmistakable yack/splat sound of dog vomit hitting the floor.
I’m just going to go ahead and assume that you clicked on this post because you relate. Or because you know me personally. Or that it was quite by accident. However it happened, just understand that I’m about to get real honest.
Sometimes life is a complete shit show. Also, February is a HORRIBLE month to focus on love. You’re sick for the billionth time, freezing your ass off, fatter than you’ve ever been and perpetually in another financial month of NOT recovering from Christmas. “What’s that ?” asks the Universe. “Your life needs to be a bit more challenging? Allow me to pop your teenage daughter’s car in a creek and give your dog worms. Also, as a special bonus, I’ll let all the stink bugs in the world know that your home is a perfect place to get out of the cold.”
Then you see an ad. It will say something like this:
“Spice up your Valentines Day with sexy portraits of yourself without a bad attitude, damaged hair, scaly skin or ass zits!! Only one miiiillllion dollars”< Read More
Anna: Repeat Offender
On February 10, 2016 by hottomatopinupacademy8The most delightful surprise for me since creating Hot Tomato is the number of clients who come back..not just once but over and over! This isn’t just a bucket list item for many in the area. Booking time with Hot Tomato has developed into a long term relationship with an extended group of support, encouragement and self care. It’s a way to celebrate their adulthood through all of its transformations!
Meet Anna. I met her when I was helping Andi greet clients for a Roberts Family Photography Holiday Mini session day. She arrived with her family for holiday portraits and I recall her being kind and reserved, very polite and maybe even a little shy! This gal turned out to be one of our VIP firecrackers! A stunning model, an adventurous spirit and a wonderful friend! Read More
Vintage Valentine
On February 2, 2016 by hottomatopinupacademy8When Hot Tomatoes LOVE a business, everyone knows it. So, it’s time to give a big ol shout out to Heirloom Finds! Read More
Andi is professional and easy to work with, she brings out the best in everyone and makes absolute magic happen 😊