Downright Tingly
On May 4, 2016 by hottomatopinupacademy8How did I get so lucky? These women are just a few of the main characters in my life that I enjoy nearly every day! The crew of Hot Tomato Portrait Studio & Parlor are crazy-special. Throughout the last few years, I have heard some version the following sentiment over and over.
“Wow, it really looks like you have an amazing team! You all have so much fun and I love how you encourage and empower women!”

Hot Tomato Crew Photo by Ashly Collins http://www.ashlycollinsphotography.com/
It’s true. Amazingness, love, fun, encouragement, empowerment and so much more. What’s the key to this spinning vortex of awesome?? I believe it’s output.
Let me back up a few months to explain where I’m coming from…
I had a revelation over the winter. It’s kind of simple for a revelation but here it is: What you do for others, you also do for the self.
You’re probably asking yourself, didn’t her mother teach her the Golden Rule? I had this “revelation”when I was six.
Yes BUT, to treat others how you would like to be treated seemed worlds different to me than the idea that the action done to another is automatically being done to the self. (Because web of life, we’re all connected, total unity, one consciousness and pure love!!!) Okay, I could probably lay down the spiritual guide books for a day or two.
Over the last several months, I have played with this idea and found that this simple shift in my thinking has seriously affected my words, actions and willingness to go that extra mile. The results had me downright tingly! That’s how I know it’s working 😉
I’m actually interested in starting a discussion group in The Parlor at our studio in Marietta Ohio. If you’re interested, fill out –>this form right here and let us know in the “What can we help you with” section.
Okay, back to the “vortex of awesome”. Considering what we offer every client that comes through our doors, the theory more than checks out! We haven’t just photographed over 500 women here at Hot Tomato, we’ve taken special care to transform how they view themselves and their power.
So many beautiful acts of service take place during an experience with our team. It’s no wonder that we feel so filled with gratitude while we are listening to, pampering, feeding, encouraging, and transforming each individual client. We are also delivering that level of care to ourselves! Not only that, but women leave our care and offer that energy to their families, thus continuing to feed themselves and on and on. This is how true, positive change is created and nurtured. In the same way that women can easily get stuck in a cycle of judgement, comparison and self-hatred, we can use this power to encourage, celebrate and empower each other!
Having a business with women that recognize and celebrate this energy exchange is why we continue to grow and expand. We understand that every addition to the Hot Tomato family is an opportunity to not only offer our best experience but a chance to honor and care for ourselves as well.
I’m so grateful to have this space and such wonderful women, clients and crew. That’s right, it’s downright tingly!
Ready to join the Hot Tomato revolution? Let us know your thoughts!
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