What Would a Nurse Do?
On May 9, 2016 by hottomatopinupacademy8Isn’t it great that all these women came in looking alike and wanting the exact same kind of session? The staff was able send the same invoice, lay out the same outfits, apply the same makeup and build the same set for each of them! Andi took the exact same shots at the same angles and produced precisely the same beautiful result!
“That’s preposterous!” you are probably saying to yourself and you would be right. That’s not how this works. These women DO have one very important commonality though. They are all nurses.
Nursing is one profession that is guaranteed to offer a brilliant variety of the human race. People of all ages, colors, backgrounds, sizes, incomes, stories and circumstances that enter a medical facility for care will most certainly be met by a nurse. If you have been lucky enough to have one of the ones pictured above, you know exactly how special they are!
I thought and thought about how to honor these wonderful professionals during Nurse’s Week and finally thought “What would nurses do?” Then it hit me!
Nurses connect with us individually. They listen and then ask questions then listen some more. They take all the knowledge they have worked so hard to acquire and mix it with compassion and then they care for YOU. They meet YOUR needs. And THAT is what Nurses deserve!
Here is what I’m proposing: All nurses that choose this week to care for themselves by booking a Hot Tomato session (past clients as well as new ones) will be listened to! After your planning consultation in The Parlor, we will take a moment to discuss the perfect way to honor your service to our community. This might be a gift certificate toward that tattoo you’ve been putting off, a donation to your favorite charity, a professional head shot for your friend that’s starting a fledgling business, or a dinner out at one of our wonderful Marietta restaurants!
Hot Tomato wants to do a small part to care for our Nurse clients that wake up every day to go that extra mile for our community! Thank you so much!
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